Wednesday, August 27, 2014


At first I thought I got blocked in by the Ford F1 50. Turns out the guy in the Toyota next to him parked badly too. Upshot: I'm the only one who can't move out of his parking space. #theworldisinteractive

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

It's okay I'm driving a Mercedes

Parked in the red and facing the wrong way. Mercedes privilege at its worst.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Cranky A$$#0|€$

So I have been helping some theatre folks with marketing and PR for a play. One of the people associated with this play went smooth off on one if the producers in an email.

You know, yelling. LIKE THIS!!! Being generally deragatory and demeaning. Being just like that thing we all have...

Come to find out it's a person who ranks below the producer. Someone I'd be in a position to hire when I produce a play again. Of course, why in the world would I hire a cranky @$$#0|€ like that?

The answer is, I wouldn't.

Please remember to be nice always. You never know who's standing on that bridge you're burning.

Saturday, August 9, 2014

There were plenty of spots

Why. Why would you park your car inside a simulated island? What's a simulated Island?

Glad you asked. A simulated island is a place where it is totally illegal to park or drive, as if the city erected a cement berm or island instead of painting one on. The person who owns this car drove into and parked on the simulated Island.

Thirty feet away, there were no fewer than seven parking spaces empty. But none as close to the pizza restaurant…

Hey simulated Island parker: if it's not worth walking 30 feet for, it's not real pizza. Also, if you walked a little bit more... Oh never mind.

Have one don't be one.

So many things

There are so many things wrong with this photo. This was taken at my favorite beach, La Jolla Shores Beach. The automobile you see "parked" here is in the wrong for so many reasons…

First it's three minute parking and I was there for at least that long. You'll notice the white curb only fits two cars. Our friend here decided to park so as to take up both spaces.

Also the car is farther than 18 inches away from the curb meaning people coming around the corner from the parking lot have to take evasive action. 

Douche times three.

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Not Exactly

In the world of parking, there are parking spaces and not exactly...

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Not a shred

I took this at a stop light. Later, when I passed this truck, made by a company headquartered close to China, I looked at the driver. I could not discern one shred of irony in his countenance.

Friday, August 1, 2014

From our friends at RecycledRecordArt

Welcome to the Best Comment Contest!  In order to win, you need to qualify and then post the best comment for the item (on the list below).  Below is information on us, how to qualify, the rules, and a list of the Notebooks and Record Holders you can win by creating the best comments on them.

At, we rescue record albums from dark garages, and dank storage units, and keep them out of landfills (vinyl records are non biodegradable!) by turning them into working art.  We take album covers and up-cycle them into reusable Notebooks and vinyl records are forged into Record Holders -- Bowls, Boxes and Pencil Holders.  Record Holders and are perfect for holding small items in your office, living room, bedroom or anywhere you need to keep things. And they make excellent gifts!

How to Qualify
In order to win, you must qualify.  To qualify for the Best Comment Contest, you must be willing and able to:
  • travel to Kearney Mesa in San Diego, California to claim your prize
  • help make your Record Holder shape, which entails getting hot
  • post photos and comments all over Social Media during, and after the contest
  • post good, kind, humorous and witty comments on the pages of the RecycledRecordArt products on the list below
  • Email your name and phone number to: 
  • Click link(s) below to be taken to the page the item(s) you want to win
    • Once there, write a comment at the bottom of the page
    • Follow all protocols for leaving comments
  • In the comment, describe why you should be given this item free of charge
    • Share the page, and your attached comment(s) on Social Media
  • The best comment, placed (on qualifying items) during the contest dates, wins that item
    • The best comment is at the sole discretion of RecycledRecordArt
    • "There is no criteria for 'best' but I'll know it when I see it"
  • You may enter as many times as you like for as many of the items, on the list below, as you like
    • Only comments on the items listed below qualify for the contest
    • But go ahead and comment on other items too
  • You may comment as much and as many times as you like
    • Commenting in response to another person's comment is encouraged
  • All comments will be moderated 
    • Mean, Dangerous or non-clever comments will be removed 
    • Removed comments are disqualified
  • Encourage your friends to like your comments on Social Media
  • The Contest begins at 8:00 a.m. on 7/28/14 and ends at 5:00 p.m. on 9/1/14
    • Only comments made between the above dates/times will be considered
    • If someone purchase the item before that time you're out of luck
  • Winners will be announced September 2nd
    • You will be asked to contact us to schedule your processing and pick up time
What you can win
Each item has a link to its own page on To click the link of the item(s) you want to win and leave your comment(s) there.  We've sorted them by Artist, Album and Style.  Good luck and may the comments be ever in your favor!

Contest Cuties By Artist

Artist Album Style
Adams, Bryan Cuts Like a Knife 80s
Chorus Line Broadway Cast Album Musicals
Clapton, Eric Timepieces Classic Rock
Cocker, Joe A Little Help From My Friends Classic Rock
Diamond, Neil The Jazz Singer Musicals
ELO/ONJ XANADU Soundtrack Musicals
Jett, Joan I Love Rock N Roll 80s
Kool and the Gang Ladies' Night  R&B
Sister Sledge We Are Family R&B
Snow, Phoebe Phoebe Snow Classic Rock
Steve Miller Band Fly Like an Eagle Classic Rock
Van Halen 1984 80s

Contest Cuties By Album

Album Artist Style
1984 Van Halen 80s
A Little Help From My Friends Cocker, Joe Classic Rock
Broadway Cast Album Chorus Line Musicals
Cuts Like a Knife Adams, Bryan 80s
Fly Like an Eagle Steve Miller Band Classic Rock
I Love Rock N Roll Jett, Joan 80s
Ladies' Night  Kool and the Gang R&B
Phoebe Snow Snow, Phoebe Classic Rock
The Jazz Singer Diamond, Neil Musicals
Timepieces Clapton, Eric Classic Rock
We Are Family Sister Sledge R&B
XANADU Soundtrack ELO/ONJ Musicals

Contest Cuties By Style

Style Artist Album
80s Adams, Bryan Cuts Like a Knife
80s Jett, Joan I Love Rock N Roll
80s Van Halen 1984
Classic Rock Clapton, Eric Timepieces
Classic Rock Cocker, Joe A Little Help From My Friends
Classic Rock Snow, Phoebe Phoebe Snow
Classic Rock Steve Miller Band Fly Like an Eagle
Musicals Chorus Line Broadway Cast Album
Musicals Diamond, Neil The Jazz Singer
Musicals ELO/ONJ XANADU Soundtrack
R&B Kool and the Gang Ladies' Night 
R&B Sister Sledge We Are Family

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Best worst parking job

It's a victimless douschery but a douschery nonetheless. People have been brought up, by this parker, probably, to just not do that which they don't want to do. You know like park within the lines, stop at red lights.

Please open your eyes, douschery perpetrators. There is a wide world, full if people to park for; to stop for. Welcome.

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Monday, July 21, 2014

Dear "Charlotte"'s Supervisor:

On July 12, 2014, at approximately 9:05 a.m., I was treated rudely by an EDD employee who gave me her name as Charlotte. She would give me no other identification and would not transfer me to a supervisor. When I asked her to spell her name she said, "I'm not gonna spell my name. If you can't spell my name that's your problem." She then hung up on me mid-sentence. My original complaint to her was to stop interrupting me, which she had none repeatedly and to my frustration. Her answer was to "quit yelling at me," which was not what I was doing. You must understand that it is difficult enough to accept assistance while unemployed but to be treated rudely and then chastised for standing up for myself is beyond rude. It is mean. It might be difficult to change behavior as I have no way of knowing what her real name is. I believe she was using the system to keep my voice from being heard. This is, again, beyond rude, and beyond mean. It is vindictive. Because of this rude treatment, and because I feel “Charlotte” was going from rude, to mean, to downright vindictive; I can no longer trust anything she said to me during the phone call. This includes her name, and anything she promised to do. In short: I don’t believe that, during my call for help, “Charlotte” treated my claim inappropriately. Unfortunately, my attempts to contact the EDD via telephone were met with a message about high call volume followed by the call being disconnected. I gave up after five calls. I would very much like to ascertain that the documents that “Charlotte” said she would re-send have indeed been re-sent, and that nothing negative has happened to my unemployment claim e.g. that it has been closed. I would like assurances that my claim is in good standing and would like “Charlotte” located and made aware that Kevin Six was not pleased with her service. I would also like to know what the standard operating procedure is when a client wants to make a complaint. Are we to be told, “that’s not my problem,” and be hung up on; or is there a better way to handle people who feel they’ve been treated rudely? Thank you for your time and attention to this matter; your quick response – and corrective action, if necessary; and for assurances that this matter will be taken care of in the future. Sincerely, A person who will never stop complaining about rude people who's work my taxes support.

Rudeness at the Cal. EDD

Can you imagine?

When you are unemployed, you have to accept a lot of things. You have to except that you need assistance.

When you have a claim that is fouled up you have to accept more things. That you cannot complete a very simple form for one. And you have to ask for assistance.

This is a humbling, if not a humiliating process. The humiliation sometimes comes from an employee of the State. When you talk to a horribly rude employee of the state of California, who gives you no recourse to complain about her behavior, it is maddening.

So, Charlotte, from the State of Califonnia Employment Development Department, thanks for making me feel small. I hope you are living a life that will take you out if the dark space you're in.

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Working at the fair.

Dropped off my thank you note at the special events office, and asked them to call production to get the sound system after five ( to be safe). Showed up for the first show and the sound system was gone. Production had to remove the sign with today's show times on it -- and put it back -- to get the sound system.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

People at the Del Mar Fair

People at the Del Mar Fair are, for the most part, nice and well-behaved. But the grown ass man who stepped on the chain of the stanchion I was moving -- nearly dislocating my shoulder -- sort of ruined it for me.

People! Open your eyes; look outside your pain body: and behave like you are a member if the human race. 


Saturday, June 21, 2014

Unhappy People at the Fair

What is it about angry people? I mean, I understand stupid people, and even cruel people. But when you go to a fair, you're there for fun.

Stupid and cruel people do have a sense if fun. In fact much more so than angry people. You've all seen angry people; you try not to let them impact your day -- or let your children see them spewing anger lest they pick up dangerous habits.

But what if you are charged with entertaining people at the fair? Well, first you learn that the collective consciousness is far less evolved than you thought. Then you run into -- thankfully few -- people who are just downright unhappy, and who don't mind turning their immediate purview into a hate fest.

I should have seen it. I mean who wears all black, including a black sweater, To the County Fair on a delightfully sunny June day? I'll tell you, it's the same kind of person who elbows an entertainer, who hoses ick ten people deep, and who causes people 20 feet away to say, "what's wrong with her? They're just trying to have a little fun."

And that is it. This person is so unhappy, so dark inside, so hate-filled that she not only can't have fun but fun actually hurts her. This would not bother me so much except that this woman I was toting a child in a stroller.

And that poor kid is going to grow up dealing with that woman and her palpable disgust with everything.

And if I could curse this woman, I could not give her a worse life. So I guess my only problem is that there is no one left to protect the child. And this is what keeps me awake on delightful June nights.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Things I hate about other drivers by Kevin Six

People who drive fast in the slow lane. 
People who drive slow in the fast lane.
People who take forever to merge.
Idiots on cell phones.
Idiots who don't think I can't see them texting.
Oh and people who let their trucks catch on fire.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Friday, January 31, 2014

Sunday, January 19, 2014


From a friend at the Fashion Valley Trader Joes. It's a three play Sunday.