Saturday, August 6, 2016


I am trying not to let it bother me. The possible verbal child abuse of the children of my neighbor. I have spoken to the parent, the landlord and the authorities. I can now only hope for a solution that is best for the children first. 

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

People are Evil

People are evil. Most of them don't want to be and therein lies the problem. They're so focused on being good that they do some damn stupid things. 

Evil, just so you have a working definition, is the performance of any action that knowingly causes harm. We do it every day: "I didn't mean to run the red light but I was running late." We also justify our actions. 

I am preaching acceptance in this post. We need to accept that we are capable of evil, simply so we can avoid it, if we wish. I'm sure there are plenty of people who gladly and willfully commit evil acts. 

And, you know what? I think they're better than the evildoer who justifies actions or, worse, believes God gave him the right to do them. Evil in the name of God is the worst evil of all. 

And this is because no one on this side of Heaven can convince the religiously justified evildoer that they're, well, doing evil. Do you know what they need? Acceptance. 

They need to see what they're doing sits exactly 180 degrees from their own sanctimonious, upturned noses. They need to see the harm they do, and they need to accept that they're capable of evil. 

I call it ballance. There's no use denying the equal opposite of Good, which is Evil. In fact, denying Evil is how we do most of it. 

What we need to do, instead of Evil deeds dressed up as Good ones, is to understand that evil exists in nature. That it exists, quite possibly to bring balance to the Universe. That there can be no a Good without it's Evil opposite. 

It's a law, after all. One of Newton's. For every action, there is an equal and opposite re-action. 

Equal to and opposite of the Good Deed I Done did?

Yes.  The equal and opposite reaction to Evil done in the name of God is Good not done in the name of God. And it's all happening simultaneously. 

The worst part? Those dammed religious doers of Evil in God's name are allowing for the exact same of Good to be done. This means thst we can't judge them but must actually accept them, that they are capable of doing evil. 

Not only that brain-wringer but this lid-flipper: their doing of an evil act caused a good act, of equal value, to be done. So now we not only need to not  judge those people but we really should thank them. 

For creating space in which Good happens. Now, what does that do for all the Good Deeds we do? It simply allows for Evil to be done. 

So the best thing to do is neither good nor evil deeds but deeds that have equal parts Good and Evil in them. Balance. But first, we need to get people to accept that Evil exists if only to balance the Good that is done. 

People Who Are Rude

How is it that some people manage to get jobs even though they're rude? I have often wondered this. In the acting business you have to put up with diva behavior, but sometimes it's because the person is so talented. 

While I believe that no one is so talented that they can afford to be rude to anyone, I also believe that people shouldn't be rude to other people at work.  I would also recommend that people not be stupid to, rude to, mean to, or otherwise an asshole to, anyone who manages a blog.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014


At first I thought I got blocked in by the Ford F1 50. Turns out the guy in the Toyota next to him parked badly too. Upshot: I'm the only one who can't move out of his parking space. #theworldisinteractive

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Cranky A$$#0|€$

So I have been helping some theatre folks with marketing and PR for a play. One of the people associated with this play went smooth off on one if the producers in an email.

You know, yelling. LIKE THIS!!! Being generally deragatory and demeaning. Being just like that thing we all have...

Come to find out it's a person who ranks below the producer. Someone I'd be in a position to hire when I produce a play again. Of course, why in the world would I hire a cranky @$$#0|€ like that?

The answer is, I wouldn't.

Please remember to be nice always. You never know who's standing on that bridge you're burning.

Saturday, August 9, 2014

There were plenty of spots

Why. Why would you park your car inside a simulated island? What's a simulated Island?

Glad you asked. A simulated island is a place where it is totally illegal to park or drive, as if the city erected a cement berm or island instead of painting one on. The person who owns this car drove into and parked on the simulated Island.

Thirty feet away, there were no fewer than seven parking spaces empty. But none as close to the pizza restaurant…

Hey simulated Island parker: if it's not worth walking 30 feet for, it's not real pizza. Also, if you walked a little bit more... Oh never mind.

Have one don't be one.